Introducing Our Vehicles
– true masterpieces that redefine the very essence of transportation!

The Antasena Falcon has reduced the load by up to 30 percent compared to the previous generation car, which has much smaller dimensions. The Antasena Falcon body is designed with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP). This material was chosen to meet the hydrogen fuel efficiency target of 700 kilometers per cubic meter.
Antasena Alpha is the result of the dedication and hard work of the ITS Antasena Team in developing environmentally friendly mobility solutions. Antasena Alpha only produces water as emissions, so it is very environmentally friendly. It has an aerodynamic body and a stylish interior
After years of research, hard work, and doing
continuous evaluation from our previous experiences,
finally Antasena ITS Team can proudly
presents, our newest vehicle Antasena
The process of making Antasena HYDRA gave
us a lot of lessons and sharpened our teamwork.
We believe that the future awaits!
In 2019, we build Antasena FCH as our third Urban Car and we manage to take part in our first participation in Urban Car Category in SEM Asia 2019 Malaysia and win numerous of prize and get qualified further in SEM Europe 2019 in London.
Antasena BDV 1.0 was the first car that able to run in a race at KMHE 2018 (Padang) and won the second runner up place.
After a long journey through the making of prototype cars, finally the team made its first urban body which had an electric motor driven called Antasena ORION.
Antasena PEV was the third prototype car in Antasena. Made as a modification for Antasena 1 to rise up by delve deeper into fuel cell research as well with the intention of tackling the existing fuel cell leaks.
After our adventurous journey in our first participation in SEM Asia back in 2012. We learned and develop a new car named "Antasena PX" to participate further in SEM Asia 2014 in manila
The team started their journey by entering Shell
Eco Marathon Asia for the first time in
2012, representing Indonesia with enthusiasm and
The experiences and obstacles have taught the
team many valuable lessons